In the course of her lengthy career, Maria Martinez used a variety of signatures. From her earliest days working with husband Julian to late in her career, Maria’s pieces can be dated by the signature which represents her collaboration with various family members. Initially, she used the name Marie, the anglicized version of her name.

Marie Martinez Signature“Marie”1923 – mid 1930’s
The earliest version of Maria’s signatures
Even though it was signed only Marie, the painting was done by Julian.Marie, and Marie and Julian pottery have sold for $225,000 at auction.
Marie Julian Martinez Signature“Marie + Julian”
mid 1930’s – 1943Maria worked with husband Julian until his death in 1943.
One variation uses a printed letter “M” and small circle over the letter “i”.
This was signed by Maria’s youngest sister Clara who had helped with the polishing.
Marie Santana Martinez Signature“Marie + Santana”
1943 – 1956Daughter-in-law Santana did the decorating until 1956. Maria then worked with son Popovi Da.
Santana and her husband Adam ( Maria’s eldest son) now began to produce their own pieces.
Maria Santana Martinez Signature“Maria + Santana”
1954 – 1956 (possibly later)
Maria Popovi Martinez Signature“Maria/Popovi”
1956 – 1970Popovi Da, Maria’s third son did the decoration for Maria at this time.
In 1959 they began to date the pieces with month and year.
Maria Martinez retired from pottery making in the 1970’s. Popovi Da died in 1971.Many feel that Maria and Popovi’s pottery is the most valuable due to Popovi’s unique contributions including sienna pottery, polychrome revival pottery, and gunmetal pottery.
Maria Poveka Martinez Signature“Maria Poveka” 1956 – 1965
Undecorated ware was signed by Maria with her Hispanic and Indian names. Pieces signed only by Maria using her Indian name have no decoration.
“Poveka” is the Indian word for Pond Lily.
Santana Adam Martinez Signature1956-

Tony Da Signature
Permission to reproduce photos and paintings in this online catalog secured by J. Mark Sublette. All rights reserved. No portion of this online catalog may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from J. Mark Sublette, Medicine Man Gallery, Inc.